Friday, October 21, 2011

who should pay for the cost of preserving the tropical rain forests?

1.)  Debt for nature are where by the international debts of a countru are canceled in return for  their protection of tropical rain forests.
2.) The rain Forests s a integral part  of Earth's ecosystems because it keeps more oxegent in the  air helps us brieath  and it as animals that have no were to go if you take down the farest.
1.) Developing countries shouldnt help  to protect the  rain forest because they are developing so they really dont have money to do that, they are  incappeble to do this when they can barly do stuff for there land.
2.) You can help the tropical rain forest by donating money.

Wednesday, October 12, 2011


People in Suxxes County interrat with orginisms all the time like, the little bugs that crol on your skin that are to tiny to see. most orginisms are to tiny to see thou, like the little bugs that eat wholes in your clothing. there are orginism liveing in are carpet, that you might not no about, they live off your dead skin that falls off, witch makes up most of the dirt and dust in your house. When you have plants sitting in your house you have a whole community right there in the the corner of your house and you dont know about it, like the stick bugs and a bunch of others.